Thursday, October 6, 2011


Texting just may be the BEST invention EVER!!!

I've realized since I became an avid "texter" that I don't really like talking on the phone. In fact, when someone actually calls me, I look at caller ID and think, "Now who in the world is actually calling me? Text me, for crying out loud!"

This is what I love: It allows brief conversations that are very much "to-the-point"...I mean, is there anything more annoying than small talk? For instance, when the University of Mn calls me and I answer and they say, "Hello, Mrs. Garry! How are you?" As if we know each annoys me. Now, if the nice U of MN employee had just text'd me, it would go something like this, "Hey! We looked back through our records and it looks like you graduated from our fine university in May of 2000. You should be making tons of money by now, so how about a donation of some kind?" Then I could text back and say, "Sorry, no one pays stay-at-home moms very much. Maybe next year!"


Nancy said...

Yes. Perfect!

Was that to the point enough for you because I would be happy to fill in the gaps with some small talk if it makes you feel better taken care of and more informed I just wanted you to understand that I totally agree with you and I hate the phone have always hated the phone and feel like testing was invented for ME! Oh, and I can text while I yell at my children...which you can't really do successfully while you're on the phone.

Tammy said...

Totally agree with you! I need to start texting you!

Avid Reader said...

Nancy...Love your comment about being able to text and yell...So very true! Made me laugh hysterically!
Tammy...Yes! Text me!!! I'll send you my # in an email!