Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fried Eggs and Bacon

What do married women do more than single women?


It's true...but not entirely shocking, is it? I mean, I don't know the last time I came across a married who was comfortable with her weight. She's either working out 2 hours every day or on some crazy diet.

I am now a statistic. I've had a terrible time shedding the extra pounds since the birth of baby #3. I know babies change our bodies, but this one RUINED it. And you can say all you want about how beautiful the body is of a woman who has given life three times, but I lose all sense of reason and logic when the clothes off (or when I have to shop for new clothes because nothing else fits!). I've never had a huge issue with weight, which is why I can't quite believe I'm here and I don't know how this happened. Regardless, it's time to get a handle on it.

Before I got pregnant this last time, i lost some weight on Belly Fat Cure. It's a low carb diet. It was the first time where I felt motivated to eat healthier because the pounds just fell off...Seriously! Every day, I felt lighter and I thought the plan was really easy to follow. I never felt deprived.

So, I decided to try it again. And it's harder....And I miss chocolate...And I'm SO sick of eating eggs and bacon every day. In fact, I am so sick of them that I had a serving of Doritos for breakfast this morning:
 1 Carb, 2 sugars! Yippee!

1 comment:

Stacy N said...

Wow, you must have seriously OD'd-- I LOOOOVVVEEE eggs and bacon. I eat them all the time. And honestly the protein and fat do help to keep snacking and appetite in check. My exercise these days is the collective two miles I walk daily taking Annika to school. Unless the baby or weather are an issue, I've been really good about it. Mind you, it's no heart racing power walk, but it's regular movement!