Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sleep is overrated!

I suspected this would happen--it's bound to! After all, there is 10 years between our oldest child and our youngest.

Let me explain...Last night, Logan (our oldest) asked if he could be "dropped off" at open gym last night. This request was followed by a series of phone calls, whom I suspected were mainly from girls. This is new territory for us...Like we've stumbled upon a foreign land. I'm not very good at merely "dropping off"...I prefer to chaperone, but I know it's best to learn the art of letting go now. So, it seemed innocent enough. I wasn't even too worried. Then I dropped him off. I watched a circle of screaming girls surround him. I looked around and didn't see a single parent anywhere nearby. I started to worry. Caught up in my own nervousness, I realized I was holding up traffic, so I quickly exited the parking lot. As I rounded the corner, headed for home, my mind began a series of "what ifs"...So, I thought to myself, "What harm could there be in just driving by one more time to make sure he got in ok and that he doesn't need me." So, I circled the gym one time, rounded the corner (again!) and headed for home. I got to the same intersection and thought, "Maybe I should just see if he's waiting for me ONE time. Then this is it...seriously! No more stalking him!" So, I did. I circled the parking lot, hoping to catch of glimpse of him, but nothing. Then I rounded the corner (AGAIN!) and headed for home. I was tempted to drive by just once more, but this time I was going to sneak in and observe for a bit. Then decided against it. He would be mad and embarrassed and I really need to learn to let go a little bit. Reluctantly, I went home and never has 40 minutes taken so long to pass. 

Picked him up promptly at 9, he seemed a little off, but nothing he was willing to share with his mother! And did I mention he was also totally embarrassed to be dropped of in a minivan? Oh man! Where did my baby go? How did this happen? All I did was blink...I swear!

Then as I'm rehashing the night in my head, wondering how I can do this better, I dozed off to sleep. I awoke at midnight...Normally, Leyton wakes up for a feeding around this time, so I laid there and waited for his familiar cries, but heard nothing. I dozed off a bit more, woke again at 1 AM and waited. This time, I woke up Brad to ask if he'd gotten up to feed him. Nope! So, I laid there, unable to sleep--worried he was in trouble, but more worried I'd risk waking him up if I checked on him. He's never slept more than 6 hours at a time. He was pushing 8 hours. Then 3 AM rolled around, I'm still awake and really worried now. It's been almost 10 hours. He's dead, I'm certain of it. So, I decide I'd rather risk waking him and I tip toe into his room. He's sound asleep, snoring softly.

As I climb back into bed, I reflect back on our day. It felt like I've gone from one end of the spectrum to another. A boy on the cusp of the teen years, dealing with girls and drop-offs and a baby just learning to sleep through the night. How did this happen? Between the tweenager and the baby, I may never sleep again!

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