Monday, October 20, 2008

The Results are IN!!!!

The gastro specialist called back today. Logan's blood work indicates a bacterial infection. She had a fancy name for it, but I've already forgotten it. Apparently, untreated it can cause major stomach issues.

I've only had an opportunity to talk to her nurse, but the doctor is supposed to call back later today, so I might know more details then.

As of right now, our plan of attack is two weeks' worth of antibiotics and we'll increase the dose of Prilosec.

Ahhhh......A sigh of RELIEF!!! Of course, I only wish we would've know this BEFORE two hospital stays and $6000 worth of procedures, tests, ER visits, and specialist appts. Oh well, it's pretty hard to put a price on Logan's health!

It looks like we'll proceed with the gall bladder ultrasound on Oct 28 because the doctor said they aren't 100% sure the bacteria present is causing the problems. All the blood work indicates is an exposure to H Pylori, but they aren't sure if it's necessarily still active or not.

We'll keep you posted!

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