Friday, November 11, 2011


I know! I know! One post is about my adolescent boy, the next about my baby. Seriously! What were we thinking?!

But I just had to share this: Leyton is so close to crawling. You know, up on all fours, rocking back and forth. While we're so excited for this next stage, we're also terrified. We've never had so many stairs (steep, steep stairs) with toddlers before. London was one when we moved into this house and she was so capable of maneuvering the stairs. Even then, we did have a couple of incidents where she went flying down them. Me, quickly behind her but unable to grasp her. Both of us crying by the time we reached the bottom.

London has been so excited to witness each new stage Leyton enters. To this day, she'll still come get me, practically screaming, when Leyton rolls over. "He did it, Mom! He's such a big boy! He rolled over all by himself." It's hard not to get caught up in her excitement, but he has mastered this skill for at least the last four months now. In fact, he can make it from one end of the house to the other by simply rolling back and forth. He is totally mobile with this skill alone.

So, now that he's working so hard on crawling, London is equally thrilled. She can't wait! In one of her moments of excitement, I told her, "Wow! If he figures this out, our Christmas tree isn't going to be safe this year." And she ponders this, looks at me somewhat confused and asks, "Why?" After explaining how busy moving babies can be, I add, "And he's going to be ripping open everyone's presents." Well, this completely ticked her off and she replies, "He's not going to open mine." Me: "Why do you think he'll leave yours alone?" She says, "Well....duh, Mom....They say 'London' on mine."

So, the girl who is so excited over crawling and rolling over also thinks her baby brother can read!

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