Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sharing the Love...

When you find something, anything, that exceeds your expectations (or your past experience), you can't help but spread the good news in hopes of sparing others the same disappointment and long search...

So, with 5 weeks remaining in my 3rd pregnancy (Ok, technically I have 8 weeks left, but since I'm a "glass half full" kind of girl, we're going to optimistically believe the shorter!), I feel like I've been eating and breathing and living everything "baby". And I have my mind set on being the "Joan of Ark" of breastfeeding mothers. Come hell or high water, this baby is going to be solely sustained on my breast milk. As a result, I'm on a massive search for the best nursing products available to woman.

To begin my search, I set out to find the best possible nursing bra. After all, why should a woman, who is already uncomfortable with engorged breasts and sore nipples have to endure an uncomfortable bra? In the past, I've gone with what was available, not believing there could be anything different out there. Well, guess what, Ladies??? There is! And it's the best thing EVER!!!

No more waiting...It's the Bodysilk Seamless Nursing Bra by Bravado.

So what's so good about this bra that goes above and beyond the others? Well, it's soft and comfortable for one thing. In fact, it's so snuggly, that I don't even think I'll need a sleep bra. This one suffices just fine. Secondly, it's very supportive (wireless)and looks great under a t-shirt. It stays in place--no shifting or straps falling down. But the best part is probably the fact that is has removable pads, so while you're in those early stages of nursing and your milk comes in at the oddest times and leaks everywhere, you're able to wear nursing pads and still go to Target without everyone knowing it...The pads conceal the goings-on beneath! I love it!! And lastly, this bra has great, true sizing (small, med, large)...This means that you can wear it while pregnant and be assured that it will give or take afterwards when your milk comes in and your breasts are larger and will still fit when your milk is established and some of the initial heaviness is gone.

I hope this helps some of you a). Save your money and B). Your sanity.

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