Monday, April 16, 2012

Enjoy the Journey

I firmly believe in the old saying "Everything happens for  reason"...It's become my mantra for life. I can find reason and/or faith in just about anything if this phrase is applied first....

So, this being said, I've looked at my youngest bundle, I guess...for the past year and wondered...What is the reason for you? Since the moment of his abrupt arrival, he has continually sucked the life out of me, whether it comes in the form of sleeplessness, sanity, or a breast pump, and with more vigor than any child I have ever known. 

He is the reason we are unable to compute math at a 5th grade level, get anywhere on time, or arrive anywhere showered, dressed or put together in any way, shape, or form. He's the reason I went to Target with baby poo on my shirt. He's also the reason why I had to pull a deeply embedded dried noodle out of the dog's hair. He's the reason why we have no toilet paper within reach in any of our bathrooms. There are times where I feel as if I should receive some kind of Olympic medal for being able to remain seated on the toilet AND reach the paper. He's the reason why our house, always so clean and organized, has taken a back seat to his near Tazmanian level rampages through the toys, books, and cupboards. 

Today, as I was sitting near him, watching him play with his older sister, I looked at him and wondered, once again, "Why?" And it hit me so hard, the answer I've been searching for...It was almost as if the Universe answered my question. I heard, "To teach you patience. To teach you how little any of the above really matters in life. To teach you to slow down, unwind, enjoy the journey. I'm your last chance to see how important I am and how fast I will grow and how limited the time. Nothing else matters." 


Kris said...

So true-- we need to remind ourselves of this daily.

Everyday Commotion said...

I wish I could say I got more patient with each child, but some days I feel like I've become LESS patient!