Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It Happened....AGAIN!

I really wish I had some photos to accompany this blog posting, but I was so shocked by my discovery that I didn't have "Blog Brain" turned on...

So, our house is never short on fish...Not the kind you eat, but the kind you keep as pets...If you wonder why, refer to earlier posts. London brought "Blueberry" home (Confused? Again, refer to earlier posts!) and my parents couldn't bring just one fish...They brought two and offered one to Logan.

On this particular Saturday morning, I decided to designate it as "Clean Fish Bowl" day. I prompted both kids to bring their bowls downstairs and we'd get started. Logan, surprisingly, was the first one with his in tow. London was lagging behind. When I asked her once again, she said, "Mom, my first bowl is empty."

Thinking she was joking or confused, I said, "Empty? Honey, it can't be empty. There's a fish in there...with water." 

"Huh-uh...It's empty. There's nothing in it." 

"Go get me the bowl. Show me." 

Sure enough. She was right. The bowl is completely empty...of water, of fish....Panic mode has set in.  My brain is racing...Dirty, poopy fish water...Dead fish....This is NOT going to be good.

I turned her room upside down looking for a wet spot--a dead, dry fish. Nothing. Her room didn't even smell bad. What in the world?

I asked her to show me the last place she had place her fish bowl. She pointed to a corner in her room. I scanned the corner. There's no sign of a fish...The only thing there the floor...Oh My!

I ripped off the cover to vent and staring back at me was a dead, dry Betta crusted to the metal casing. While we feel bad for the fish, we are so thankful our Minnesota Winter has been so mild because had the heat been turned on, it wouldn't have taken me quite so long to make the gruesome discovery.