There are few announcements in life that equalize the "We're pregnant!" and I'm excited that my husband finally relented and allowed me to announce it one more time...Yep, that's right! We're 15 weeks pregnant with our third child!!!
Our baby is due on March 8, but now that I'm an experienced mom and have watched my due date come and go with each pregnancy (which, by the way, I'm pretty certain there is nothing WORSE!), I really don't expect this one to a--come early nor b--on time, so there is a slight chance that our new baby and I could share a birthday.
Typically, I despise being pregnant. I really miss my body being my own. I like to sleep in whatever position I choose, I like to eat junk food and soda, I like to run. All of these things are put on hold until, once again, my body is mine and I'm not sharing it with anyone. But this time, because more than likely, it is the LAST time, I decided early on that I was going to enjoy every moment. After all, this is the last time I'll feel a living soul within me and it truly is a blessing and a miracle. I feel so fortunate to be a woman and to be able to experience pregnancy and birth.
So, this being said...This baby decided to truly test my strength and willingness to love pregnancy. It started out with intense nausea which moved to nights mostly, but made me unable to prepare dinner nor eat it. In fact, the only thing I felt like eating at all was ice cream. And since I typically gain 50 pounds with each pregnancy, another vow I made was to keep my weight gain reasonable. Again, Baby Garry strikes against me, because I've found myself craving sweets. Yes, I'm forcing myself to eat yogurt and vegetables, but what I really want is to devour an entire bag of Dove chocolates. This isn't very "goal-friendly" when it comes to weight.
Next, came the sleeplessness. I've always been able to thoroughly enjoy a good night's sleep during the early stages of pregnancy. And for whatever reason, I'm up every night tossing and turning. And, if I do happen to doze off, then I wake up because my bladder is being crushed by this walnut-sized fetus, forcing me to pee.
But given all these obstacles, I'm enjoying it. And I feel very blessed that we are having a brand new baby. It will add some stress and complications, but I think, deep down, I've always wanted the chaos of a busy family and household. Maybe because I grew up in one, but it feels like "home"...